
Enzyme inhibitors:

These compounds block the action of miscelaneous enzymes. We intentionally did not include proteine kinaze inhibitors into this category, preferring creation of a separate category for these.

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CAS number: CAS #: 18133-22-7
Product code: NE
Source: Streptomyces netropsis

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CAS number: CAS #: 11052-72-5
Product code: OLC-001
Source: Streptomyces diastatochromogenes

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CAS number: CAS #: 4611-05-6
Product code: OPA-001
Source: Cochliobolus heterostrophus

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CAS number: CAS #: 5601-74-1
Product code: OPB-001
Source: Cochliobolus heterostrophus

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CAS number: CAS #: 90-65-3
Product code: PEN-001
Source: Penicillium Cyclopium

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CAS number: CAS #: 12772-57-5
Product code: RAD-001
Source: Humicola grisea

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CAS number: CAS #: 62996-74-1
Product code: STA-001
Source: Streptomyces staurosporeus

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CAS number: CAS #: 72741-87-8
Product code: SWA-001
Source: Metharhizium anisopliae

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CAS number: CAS #: 76896-80-5
Product code: TRC-001
Source: Streptomyces aureofaciens

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CAS number: CAS #: 58880-19-6
Product code: TRA-001
Source: Streptomyces platensis
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CAS number: CAS #: 11089-65-9
Product code: TUN-001
Source: Streptomyces chartreusis

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CAS number: CAS #: 19545-26-7
Product code: WOR-001
Source: Talaromyces (Penicillium) wortmannii

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