
Enzyme inhibitors:

These compounds block the action of miscelaneous enzymes. We intentionally did not include proteine kinaze inhibitors into this category, preferring creation of a separate category for these.

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CAS number: CAS #: 917-13-5
Product code: ENB-001
Source: Fusarium sp.

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CAS number: CAS #: 989-51-5
Product code: EPG-001
Source: Extracted from Green Tea (leaves)

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CAS number: CAS #: 57749-43-6
Product code: EQU-001
Source: Fusarium equiseti

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CAS number: CAS #: 83209-65-8
Product code: HCT-001
Source: Helminthosporium carbonum

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CAS number: CAS #: 29400-42-8
Product code: HEV-001
Source: Cephalosporium caerulens

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CAS number: CAS #: 99533-80-9
Product code: K2A-001
Source: Nocardiopsis sp

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CAS number: CAS #: 99570-78-2
Product code: K2B-001
Source: Semisynthetic

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CAS number: CAS #: 85753-43-1
Product code: K2C-001
Source: Nocardiopsis sp

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CAS number: CAS #: 108068-98-0
Product code: KT5-001
Source: Synthetic

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CAS number: CAS #: 126643-37-6
Product code: KT5-002
Source: Semisynthetic

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CAS number: CAS #: 71751-77-4
Product code: MEG-001
Source: Penicillium chrysogenum

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CAS number: CAS #: 35891-70-4
Product code: MYR-001
Source: Mycelia sterilia (fungus)

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